Monday, 19 October 2015

How to run android Operating system in your desktop or laptop?

There are different ways to run android applications in desktop/laptop platform. We can list out many differences in-between mobile phone/smart phone and desktop/laptop both in hardware and software.  The main different is heterogeneity in processor architecture. Android supports 3 type of processor architectures: ARM, Intel and MIPS and among them ARM is most popular.  However, normal laptop/desktop has processor of Intel x86 or x64 architecture. So, the incompatibility is clearly visible in the current scenario.

To solve this problem, The Android-x86 Project has ported Android operating system to the x86 platform from ARM.  The Android-x86 is an open source project  licensed under Apache Public License 2.0.  The source code for all the latest Android operating system are available on the The Android-x86 Project website.

Now, actual question is not answered. Android operating system can run as a virtual machine like other operating system such as windows or Ubuntu. So, we need a hypervisor to install the android VM. This can be done using Virtualbox or VMware workstation. So, before installation, we have to download any virtualization software(i.e. Virtualbox or VMware workstation) and Android-x86 image file.

Once Virtualbox is installed in the system, we can create a Virtual Machine (VM) after giving proper configuration. Now the next step is to boot the Android-x86 image VM that we have created.


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